Ecstatic Films

Offering Quality Production Services

$2.00 Kino Flo T12 Tube Holder Bracket

Making A Kino Flo T12 Lamp Holder
You need not pay $30. for a Kino lamp holder. You can make one for under $2. using “Grid Scissor Clips” which you probably already own if you do much lighting. You can also rivet the lamp clips together to make lamp joiners.

2 Kino EXP-LHC-T12 lamp holder clips $1.00
available at 24 pc for $12.00)
Strip of 1″x 12 gauge steel flat bar
1/8″ Rivets

Cut flat bar to 6″ length and debur ends
Drill 1/8″ hole on each end in center
Rivet clip to flat bar

Kino Flo T12 Tube Holder Bracket
Kino Flo T12 Tube Holder Bracket
Kino Flo T12 Tube Holder Bracket
Kino Flo T12 Tube Holder Bracket